Ascension Festival

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Case File 006 - Kawasaki Disease

“Kawasaki disease affects the skin, mouth, and lymph nodes. The disease mostly affects children below the age of 5. The cause is unknown. If the symptoms are recognised earlier and treated, the child can fully recover within a few days. But left untreated, the disease can lead to serious heart complications later."

About 2 years ago, one of my nephews was diagnosed with the disease. His parents, my cousin and his wife, were frantic, as they quickly sent their 2-year old boy to KK Children's Hospital for treatment.

I heard of the news from my mom, and accompanied her for the visit. This was also around the time I had first started practising The Universal Energy.

Upon our arrival at the ward, we saw the tired child crying and wailing because of the pain of the needles from the drip. Looking at his parents, I could imagine the pain and helplessness that they were feeling inside.

After the nurse left, I approached the couple and asked for their permission to heal their son. My cousin and his wife agreed without hesitation.

I greeted the child with a smile and  began to channeling The Universal Energy for the healing process. During the short session, the child was in silence, he was just staring at me with his eyes wide open, as though he saw 'something' strange.

After the session, the child suddenly looked at his parents, started to smile and  regained his liveliness again. My cousin was elated and said, "This is how he used to be, before this disease!" 

The boy practically forgot about his pain and started playing with the toys provided in the ward.

The next day, my cousin messaged me to share how the doctor found it strange that the virus had stopped being active. Since then, the child has been living a healthy and happy life.

It is not every time that there is a moral behind a story. Sometimes. at that very moment all we needed was to have faith that everything will turn out to be just fine. And they will!

Status: Closed; 2013.