Ascension Festival

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Case File 020 - Life Wraith Case 002

“A curse from a dying person can be so powerful that it could manifest itself into something so harmful that it causes harm and disharmony to the living.”

During a meet up with a friend, Hanis, she brought along her long time friend, Belle to our meet up session. While we were half way through the conversation, Hanis asked  if I could take a look at her friend, Belle’s auric field? I took a look and described to Hanis that Belle’s auric field was covered with a layer of black, tar-like energetic field.

I told Hanis, if Belle is a non-believer of aura readings, there would be no reason to tell her. Hanis said that it would be better to inform Belle about it, and so I did. Belle was convinced, after I told her what I saw in her auric field. I also mentioned about the emotional turmoil and difficulties she had been experiencing in her life. Belle also mentioned that I was very accurate about some of the bad decisions she made and instabilities in life that she had been experiencing.

I mentioned to Belle that if she wishes to, I could help her cleanse her auric field. Belle agreed and we met the following day to do so.

During the process of cleansing Belle’s auric field, I saw a Life Wraith hanging behind her with its scythe stabbed into her auric field. I immediately bound the Life Wraith and sent it away. This was  the second time I have encountered  a Life Wraith. The last time I dealt with Life Wraiths, they came in a pair, and this time there was no exception too. The second one appeared shortly after I sent off the 1st one. I quickly bound the 2nd Life Wraith and sent it away.

After the clearing, I was prompted to ask Belle if she has had any business rivals or bad blood with anyone that she knows of that would wish to cause any harm to her. Belle replied that she knew of no enemies or business rivals, but further through our  conversation, we found out that almost 15 years ago, her late godfather did mention something before he passed away.

He warned Belle to stay clear from his business dealings, if not he would put a curse on her. And that was months before Belle's godfather passed away. Belle also mentioned that her godfather was a necromancer.

“Necromancers are known to communicate with spirits and have the ability to use black magic.”

I told Belle what I saw and did during her auric field cleansing. Belle was shocked but not surprised. As she had been having financial and emotional down times ever since her godfather passed away. I assured Belle that all would be well after the clearing and the Life Wraiths were taken care of and will not be doing any harm to her.

Belle gave her thanks to both Hanis and me.

Status:Case File Closed