Ascension Festival

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Case File 023 - Dark Entity Possession

Photo credit: Alessio Zaccaria @alessiozaccaria

“In this modern day, we think that darker energies are just us being negative and pessimistic. But all these darker energies are the manifestations of the mass consciousness. These negative thoughts and actions are what we do daily without giving it the conscious awareness…”

A recent case showed me that dark entities do infest, not takeover, in human bodies. But when they have fully taken over, then the change would be glaring even the immediate family members will find it strange.

An elderly man, who was recently revived by his grandson through CPR, came to pay me a visit. His grandson, Prakash, told me that after he revived his grandfather, his grandfather’s behaviours were totally the opposite of what he used to be.

A peace-loving, soft-spoken person suddenly becomes easily angered and frustrated. The grandfather used to visit the temple daily for half a day, but could not even stand going near the temple to offer a short prayer now.

Prakash’s grandfather had been wheelchair bound for 15 years since his stroke. When Prakash, his wife and his grandfather arrived at my doorstep, he glared at me when coming into my sacred space, which I have placed protection and clearing energies that assist in my spiritual works.

Prakash explained what happened, and asked me to take a look at his grandfather. I tried communicating with him but he ignored me, he just kept staring at me with the corner of his eyes. He wanted to speak to Prakash, but his saliva just flowed out of his mouth, without articulating an audible word.

I asked Prakash to ask his grandfather if I could hold his grandfather’s hands. Though  his grandfather was reluctant,   I still managed to hold his hands for a while. The moment I activated my third eye, I saw a dark entity trying to avoid itself from being noticed.

At that moment, Prakash’s grandfather trembled and was putting his left foot on the ground, and was getting ready to stand up. Prakash saw what happened and was surprised that his grandfather, who had been wheelchair bound for more than a decade, wanted to get out of his wheelchair for the first time.

I looked at Prakash’s grandfather and said to ‘IT’ (the dark entity),

“Don’t worry! I am not going to do anything to you!”

IT’s attitude towards me changed, IT understood my words and for the first time placed IT’s hands in prayer’s position and said “Thank you.” I asked Prakash if I could chat with him in private, he knew what I meant, and asked his wife to wheel his grandfather to their car to wait for him.

I told Prakash, “You saw what happened right?”

Prakash nodded and acknowledged, as I continue explaining,

“There is a  dark parasitic entity that is residing in your grandfather’s body. It has been there since the incident. Now it has taken over about ¾ of your grandfather’s body. There’s nothing much I can do now, because if I were to clear the entity out of his body, your grandfather may slip into a coma situation as his soul is no longer in his body. The decision is yours.”

Prakash went silent for a while and said, “For the sake of the rest of my family members, I’ll have to let this situation remain as it is, since the entity did not do any harm to anyone.”

I suggested that he could  bring his grandfather to the temple more often, as this might help to keep the entity in check and give him a peace of mind, knowing the situation as it is now.

Prakash understood and thanked me for shedding light on  the situation, and now he understood why his grandfather behaved  like a different person after the incident.

Status: Case Closed on 8th January 2017