Ascension Festival

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Case File 024 - Dark Entity Takeover

Photo credit: Alex Iby @alexiby

“Darker energies manifested by the mass consciousness are getting more desperate these days. These dark entities are getting more bold, as they are trying to get hold of any physical forms as and when an opportunity arises…”

At the  beginning of January 2017, Mr. & Mrs. Jefferson came to me for help with their 4 year-old daughter. Besides being rowdy and rude towards them, she would shout and scream in the public, creating a scene whenever possible.

Mr. Jefferson made an appointment with me the week before, but on the day itself he came alone. He explained to me that he was not sure if his daughter would even want to come up from the carpark. She was throwing tantrums on their way over and ran off after she alighted from the vehicle. At that moment, his wife was looking after her within the vicinity. His daughter had never reacted as such during their normal outings, but this time round she was especially uncomfortable, therefore he did not know if he could bring her to me.

I told him not to worry but just ask his wife to bring their daughter up to my space, and if she is uncomfortable, his wife could then bring her away later. Mr. Jefferson agreed, and called Mrs. Jefferson to bring their daughter to my space.

Upon the wife and daughter’s arrival, I could hear the little girl kept saying no, and that she did not want to walk towards my space. But Mrs. Jefferson still managed to lead her daughter to my doorstep.

When the child saw me, she tried to run away, but her mother managed to catch hold of her and asked her to say ‘hi’ to me. Her daughter refused and shouted at her mother, then her mother suggested to her daughter to shake my hand as a friendly gesture, at that moment I had already prepared an energetic vibration on my hand to test her. As the child’s mother tried to shove her into my doorway, the child held on tight to the gates and started screaming, and when she let out her scream I saw the dark entity that is within the child.

Mrs. Jefferson was very apologetic about her daughter’s behaviour. I told Mrs. Jefferson not to worry, and asked her to bring her daughter back to their vehicle. The little girl ran off to the elevator and kept shouting out to her mother,

“Get away from me! You are NOT my mother!”

Mrs. Jefferson ran towards her daughter, I assured her to go after her daughter.

Mr. Jefferson was stunned by the entire incident and was very apologetic about it. I told Mr. Jefferson,

“No apologies required. I saw what was troubling your daughter. Your daughter’s soul is a dark entity, a very young one. It was unable to enter  my space as I have put up protective energy against dark entities.”

Mr. Jefferson was stunned by my words and could not believe what I was saying was the truth. I continued to ask,

“Did anything out of the ordinary happen during the pregnancy period?”

Mr. Jefferson gave it a thought, and said the only thing that he could remember was that when his wife was into her 6th month of pregnancy, they went for a short trip over to Kuala Lumpur. Halfway through the north south highway, his car tire went flat, and he had to make a stop along the road shoulder of the highway to change the tire.

During the tire-changing incident, his wife was sleeping soundly in their car. And when he was almost finished with the task, his wife woke up screaming in fear, she kept saying she saw a dark figure entering her belly. Mr. Jefferson calmed her down and assured her that she was just dreaming, and moreover it was broad daylight.

After relating the incident to me, he gave me a blank look. I explained,

“Dark entities will take any opportunities as such to find a physical form for itself to exist in our realm and reality. They too want to experience a human life. And it would do no good if I were to clear this entity out of his daughter’s physical body, as it has already replaced the original soul that was supposed to be there.”

At that moment, I saw tears starting to appear in Mr. Jefferson’s eyes. I continued,

“But there is still hope to ‘clean’ the dark soul, just bring her to holy places more often, and hopefully the holy energies from the temples and churches can help bring a balance of energy for the dark soul.”

“And please just let your wife know that your daughter just needed to balance her energy by visiting holy grounds to ease her anger and frustrations. Unless, if your daughter is going out of control or starts to exhibit violence towards people, then we will look into the matter again.”

Mr. Jefferson looked at me and was dumbfounded. I assured him that I would be there for his family if need be. Then I passed him 3 crystals and instructed him how to use them, so that they would feel more peace within their family.

“Sometimes, it feels as if there is no choice who we choose to be our family members, but we always have to learn how to live in harmony with them no matter what, as they are still FAMILY…”

Status: Case Pending…