Ascension Festival

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Case File 030 - Doorway to Hell

Portals that lead to other dimensions are all around us in various sizes, and different types of entities have access to these doorways. They can be harmful or harmless, depending on your point of view.

Recently a group of us visited a new café somewhere near Chinatown, Singapore. We were given a spacious private room of our own, and we settled in and ordered our food.

During the meal, we felt that the air-conditioner did not seem to be working, and the air was rather stuffy.

After our meal, we sensed the energy in the room had become denser and heavier, as if there were more than the 10 of us in the space. So, some of us took a look with our third eyes, and indeed, we found that within the space there were more than us, there were other entities we decided to ignore them for the time being. One of our members, Felicia felt that there were more to the situation. She went on to explore a little in the spirit dimension while I excused myself to the washroom.

While I was walking towards the washroom, I sensed something or someone following me. When I turned on my third eye, I could see a ghoul[1] on all fours, crawling from the entrance to the ceiling. When it knew it had been seen, it leaped towards me. Fortunately, I was prepared and bound it before getting rid of it.

When I exited the washroom, I shared what had happened with the rest of the group and that it’s best for us to leave.

Felicia concurred and told the rest that there was a portal nearby used by ghouls and ghosts.

At the exit of the café, we continued to feel watched. We switched off our spiritual senses and left the place immediately, but some of us were being followed.

When I reached home and was closing the gate behind me, something felt off.

I switched on my third eye, right at the very moment when a ghoul leaped towards me.

As my gate closed off in front of the ghoul, our home shield was activated and the ghoul was destroyed.

I have a feeling that this will not the last time we are going to see these ghouls.

Status: Ongoing

[1] Ghouls, or jinn, are said to be cannibalistic shape-shifters which feed on human flesh and blood, according to Arabian Lore.