Case File 041 - Is that a Spirit Guide? - Part 1
Photo credit: Ralf Skirr @ralfskirr
There are lots of Spirit Guides out there in the Universe, connecting to those that are working along with the Light will assist individuals with healing and light-work. But connecting with the Dark guides will become very challenging, not only they could cause harm to one’s emotional, mental and physical health, the worst case scenario may even lead to death.
There were situations when people connected with a Dark guide to access black magic or even go through a series of very dark shadow work on themselves. But sometimes, a Dark spirit guide can trick one into believing that it is from the Light side.
Some people who are unaware, or just started accessing the astral realms may get connected with a Dark guide by mistake or being lied to.
Warning: Connecting to a Dark guide may cause physical, mental and emotional health issues.
A brief note on shadow work basically means working with the darker side of oneself, where most of the time one will try to resolve the darker emotional and mental issues of oneself.
A Shadow-work Workshop
An old friend of mine, Jasmine, had recently attended a shadow-work workshop. She was dealing with some family karma issues, which she had been working for the past eight years.
She was all excited about the breakthrough she had for the first two-days into the workshop. On the last day of the workshop, participants were guided into a deep meditative state and at the deep level of sub-consciousness, Jasmine met a Spirit guide whom she thought was from the Light side guiding her in realizing her hidden spiritual gifts.
But instead of the hidden spiritual gifts, the spirit guide actually took her on a strange spiritual journey and by the time she came out of her deep meditation, Jasmine felt that her lower chakras were being blocked and jammed up.
Jasmine’s energies were not flowing well and she was suffering from constipation and insomnia. Her work and daily life was affected - it would take her plenty of effort to get out of her house to go to work and she was losing her appetite and weight.
Jasmine decided to ask the facilitator who was facilitating the shadow-work session for help, but was rejected.
The facilitator told Jasmine that it was her own fault that she had attracted such an entity to her, and brushed her off directly claiming no responsibility to the case.
Warning: My two cents worth of advice, get to know the facilitator well before joining such shadow-work. Some facilitators can conduct a deep shadow-work workshop, but not all of them are able to help when you are in deep shit.
Jasmine was out of wit, and somehow she was drawn to give me a call on a Saturday morning to seek my help.
I told her that I would need to understand her situation before I could suggest any solution. So she booked an appointment with me for a consultation session, to find out what happened to her.
To be continued...