Ascension Festival

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Case File 044 - Adorable Evil

Photo credit: Alvan Nee @alvannee

Pets are adorable when you first set your eyes upon them. Going through the process of taking care of them and becoming their best friend is priceless. We learn a lot from our pets, and at the moment of departure, we learn our final lesson of letting go. But what if the pet was lost and died in an accident? How would one reconcile with that? Sometimes we just have to let go, once we realised that we had already done our best.

William is a martial art practitioner who is also  mentoring a few students.

As described by William, he was walking through a shortcut along Peking Street one afternoon, when a middle aged homeless guy grabbed him by his sleeves and wanted to talk to him. William said that because of the homeless guy’s stench from his dirty clothes, he ignored the homeless guy and brushed his hands off his sleeve, and continued with his journey down the shortcut.

On the same night, while practicing his routine meditation, William found some parts of his ‘Chi’ was blocked. William ignored it, thinking that it might  have been his muscle stiffness due to his physical practice in the afternoon.

‘Chi’ the energy that flows in and throughout our physical body. It is also known as prana, nature's energy, which we breathe in everyday that are all around us. Martial Art Practitioners use nature’s energy, ‘Chi’, or prana to replenish their internal strength.

The ‘Chi’ blockage lasted for more than two days, and this time round it spread from his arms to his legs, at times he would feel numbness in his limbs. William knew that this is not normal for him as a martial art practitioner; he felt that as if there was something else, something supernatural that was linked to his ‘Chi’ blockage.

William suspected that something just was not right after he encountered the homeless guy; therefore he quickly made an appointment with me to help him take a look at his condition.

The Day of the Appointment

William came to my meditation centre to see me.  I observed  that he had muscle stiffness on his limbs and torso area.

I sat William down and told him to relax; I then switched on my third eye to find out  what was happening on the energetic level.

To my surprise I saw something running around William’s Auric Field. The being looked like a dog but with dark energies surrounding it. The most distinctive part was its pair of glowing red eyes. It was running around William’s auric field scratching and causing tears on William’s auric field.

For someone like William who is a martial art practitioner, with strong chi energy, was able to repair his auric field with his chi practice. But prolonged damage caused by an energetic entity would cause more harm than good. Because every time when William uses the prana, nature’s energy, to replenish his Auric Field, it also ‘fed’ the nature’s energy to the entity, making it stronger.

I told William what I saw, and asked him if he had felt more tired even though he had replenished his ‘chi’, and he said,

“Yes! Especially after I wake up from my sleep. I felt more tired than the day before, and this lasted for two days and that’s why I made an appointment with you to help me see.”

I told William that he should recover from his fatigue once the entity is being cleared from his Auric Field. William agreed and I started to Clear the Negative Entity from William’s Auric Field.

During the clearing process, I subdued the dog-like demon entity, while I was about to totally ‘clear it off’ (disintegrate) for good. My intuition told me to clear the layer of demonic energy away from the entity.

Once the layer of dark energy was cleared, it revealed a pet Pomeranian’s soul. I found out that the dog’s soul was a lost pet that met with an accident and died. Due to its obsession of searching its way back home to its owner, it attracted a layer of dark energy, which possessed it since then.

I sent the dog’s soul to where it should have gone after death, and assured William that his auric field was cleaned.

William channelled his ‘chi’ again and this time, he felt that his ‘chi’ was flowing smoothly again and that the numbness on his limbs was all gone.

The next day, William sent me a message saying that he felt even more energised than before, I told him that I had allowed The Universal Energy to flow into him during the clearing process, its effect should last for the next few days.

Treasure your pets, as they had given their entire life to love you unconditionally when you bought or adopted them. So give them your love in return.

Status: Case Closed June 2018