Ascension Festival

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Case File 026 - An Uninvited Guest

Photo credit: Scott Umstattd @scott_umstattd

In this world, there are a lot of things that our physical eyes can’t see – like radio waves, microwaves, WiFi, and more. There are also beings that exist outside our vision frequencies. When they try to make themselves known to this reality, it can be either in a playful manner or it can turn nasty.

A friend, Hanis, referred me to his friend, Stanley, who was interested in energy work and also wanted a second opinion about his instincts on his current home.

Hanis and I were invited to visit his house one afternoon. The place was big and clean but stuffy, so Stanley switched on the air-conditioner. We were shown to the living area where we had coffee.

We were discussing the topic of energy and how it affects our daily lives, and the domestic issues with his wife and maid.

During our discussion, I kept seeing an entity peeping at us from the stairway, clearly eavesdropping on our conversation. And this entity is none other than a dark elf; some call it a house Jinn, or an imp.

These dark entities reside in houses that are emptied for a while, homes that house a lot of idols, dolls, which could attract such entities as well.

I stopped our discussion and asked Stanley if he knew that the statue housed a dark entity, instead of the deity that he meant to worship. Stanley was shocked and speechless.

He related that he had stored the statue in the storeroom for 3 months during renovation. When his family moved back into the house, they reinstated the idol and resumed their usual ritual of worship. When they missed a few days of worship, he and his wife would quarrel. His wife would then offer prayers and they will have a few days of peace.

I explained that in the absence of intention to worship or offer prayers, the good energy of the deity would leave the space. When that happens, dark, wandering entities will move in. And in his case, this dark elf had made the idol’s shell its home.

I told Stanley that he should respectfully ask the dark elf to leave the idol and go on its way, so he and his family will live in peace. Stanley looked at me and asked what he had to do if it decided not to leave and turned nasty. I assured Stanley that, I would assist if needed.

He then asked me, “What if, it is the deity’s energy that is in the idol?”

I replied, “If it was truly the deity, then it would just leave as you wished. If it isn’t then, it will insist on staying.”

After which, Stanley took out his casting lots (博杯) and asked, “Are you the deity?”

The cast said it was, so Stanley looked at me. I directed him to request it to leave.

The lot replied, “No!”

Stanley asked twice for it to leave, it firmly replied, “No!”

At this time, the atmosphere around the entire home tensed up, Stanley and Hanis were looking at me with uncertainty and fear in their eyes.

I had them step aside as I had to deal with the dark elf.

I stood in front of the idol, opened up my third eye and addressed the dark elf, “The owner would like you to leave in peace and stay away from his family.”

The dark elf resisted, retorting that this was its home too.

I prepared myself for any ‘funny business’ from it. When it tried to lunge for me, the dark elf was trapped in the idol by the energetic net that I had cast earlier.

As it struggled to get out, I sternly said, “We have asked you to leave, but you insisted on staying. In this case, I’ll have to do what is required. Now, if you agree to leave in peace, I will have the owner send the idol to a temple. When you are there, I’ll release the seal and you can take your leave.”

I stepped back and told Stanley to make his request again. This time round, the reply was, “Yes!”

I directed Stanley to send the idol to a temple and let me know when it is in location, so that I could release the dark elf as promised.

A few days later, I received a text message from Stanley that he had already placed the idol in a temple. I told him that I would take it from there.


Status: Case Closed in January 2017