Ascension Festival

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Case File 043 - Spider Demon

The Late Night Call

A client, Ms. Lu, called me up late one night and told me that she felt something not right about her meditation. It seemed like she had ‘something’ on her, and asked if I could help. I told Ms. Lu to come by my center the following day, so that I could have a good look at what’s happening to her.

The following day Ms Lu came into my center looking tired and drained. Her eyes were  bloodshot, the make-up that she used to cover her eye bags were not working, and her shoulders were slouching.

“It felt as if there was something or someone sitting on my shoulders. At times, the feeling actually shifted. I’m really freaked out by the shifting feeling.”

I told Ms Lu to sit on the chair that I had prepared before her arrival. I asked if she had met anyone recently before the incident. 

She gave it a thought and recalled that she met a friend of mine who was going through her divorce. And after meeting her friend, she felt heavy and also had a mild headache that night during her meditation.

Besides the mild headache, Ms Lu felt that something or someone was around her. She could feel that there were things crawling on her auric field (aura). She tried to feel the ‘crawlies’ that were on her auric field. And she managed to pinpoint the more prominent areas, which were around her head and her waist.

Ms Lu did not manage to sleep well for the entire night as she was struggling to fall asleep, as she could feel the ‘crawlies’ moving around her auric field.

Auric Field is a natural energetic protective shield that all human beings have. A healthy auric field is able to withstand light negative energies (quarrels, disagreements, negative influence, etc.), but an unhealthy auric field will get intruded and even get damaged if the negative influences are strong. A damaged Auric Field may attract unwanted negative energies and entities into one’s life. And when that happened, issues ranging from a simple fever to a critical life threatening condition may occur to the individual.

I told Ms Lu to close her eyes as I switched on my third eye to see what was going on. I saw a large spider-like entity crawling on her Auric Field, and it had a dark-greyish energy around it. And the spider-like entity was trying to break into her Auric Field.

I told Ms Lu to open up her eyes, so that I could explain to her what I saw.

“Ms Lu, just to let you know that there is a spider-like entity crawling around your Auric Field. And do you feel discomfort or pain on the left side of your head, and similar feelings on the right side of your waist?”

Ms Lu looked at me and nodded, and she was almost in tears,

“Why is this thing happening to me? I did no harm and no wrong to anything or anyone…”

I interrupted her before she could carry on wallowing, as her unstable emotions could further weaken her Auric Field at that moment.

“Ms Lu! Do you want me to carry on with the clearing of the entity or not?”

Ms Lu got a shocked and looked at me, she replied,

“Yes! Go ahead and clear it!”

I told her to close her eyes while I carried out the clearing for her.

The spider-like entity was moving at a fast speed, but I managed to catch it with  my spiritual chains, and sent it back to where it came from. I assisted Ms Lu to patch up her Auric Field and told her to open up her eyes.

The moment she opened her eyes, tears started to roll down from her cheeks, she was crying and said at that moment,

“I don’t know why I am crying but I could feel the difference now, it is gone and I can feel it! Oh my…”

I told Ms Lu that it is normal that  after removal of an entity, people will start to react in ways that they know to relieve the pent up stress that they held onto during the episode.

Her aching areas were due to holes that the entity made in her auric field. And the reason for her to attract such an entity was because  her nice 'delicious' auric field was 'stained' by her friend's unloading of her divorced burdens onto Ms Lu.

To such an entity, she would looked like a roasted chicken with gravy on it.

Ms Lu thanked me and I told her to stay in the space to help recover her Auric Field before she left.

At times, junior energy practitioners may encounter situations like the above. Reasons being not shielding themselves properly or not carrying any protective crystals.

For enquiries on Dark Entity/Negative Energy Cleansing, simply drop us an email at

Status: Case Closed