Ascension Festival

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Mission of Blessing - Part 2

Photo Credit: Emrullah Bolat @photorafci

Continued from last post…

We were later guided through the residential area, the path further leading to the royal garden area of the Jinn. Outside the royal garden, the Jinni guard told us that we could proceed without his escort, as our arrival had been made known to the community. The other reason was that we had entered into the outer realm of the royal palace, where it was heavily guarded.

Dwayne was amazed by the vegetation growth and was wondering if anyone tended to the wild but yet organized setting in the area. He was wondering if someone did something to the vegetation around the area. With my third vision, I could see the beautiful garden that covered the vast area, with a huge pond just a few metres in front of us.

We exited the garden area and proceeded with the rest of the journey along the outer area of the royal palace. We were asked to follow the pathway towards the jetty.

The pathway came to another wide road; it was the Jinn’s market area. This area had more guards patrolling around compared to the previous market area; it seems like seafood is a valuable commodity for the Jinn community.

To Dwayne, it was just another wide-open road; the small creatures that he saw like snakes and sun lizards are almost insignificant. Looking through my 3rd vision, some are actually Jinn, due to the frequency that they are vibrating, our normal visions are still able to perceive their existence as familiar forms.

As we made our way closer towards the jetty, I was able to see the 300-foot, larger Jinn with my 3rd vision. At times, we had to slow down to avoid being ‘stepped-on’ by these large Jinn. Most normal people will not feel much immediately, when they come into direct contact with the large Jinn, the effects may only be felt a day or two after. Effects such as, body aches, migraines, vertigo, headaches, flu-like symptoms and so on.

Upon reaching the jetty, we decided to make our way back to the main island. We took an alternate route back to the main gate, because I was led to the ‘Blessing Zone’, where I was prompted by the Divine to send blessings to the Jinn community in the area.

Someone may be asking, why bless them, aren’t they supposed to be evil and monstrous?

Nothing is evil or monstrous, we are all just vibrating at different frequency levels. Every one of us just perceives things and situations from our own point of views, belief systems and upbringing. So why should there be any form of judgement against anyone?”

I sent blessings to all the Jinn residents on the island, and left the place. It is one of the most precious experiences that I have gained so far on my spiritual journey.

Mission Completed