Case File 003 - Karma or Life Lessons

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Life lessons are set before birth, after birth and during Life itself. What did we set ourselves to this lifetime

Most of us think that Karma is a bitch that comes and bite us in the arse when things in our surroundings go 'wrong'. In actual fact, we are the ones that have set up these changes and challenges in our surroundings to learn a few lessons or to awaken from our 'sleep'.

A few months ago, I got to know a friend whose godson was suffering from leukaemia. The boy was only 8 years old, and his entire family went from enjoying a peaceful Lunar New Year to a chaotic period. The boy was shuttled in and out of the hospital almost daily after he was diagnosed.

My friend went frantic, he made life exchanges vows to the 'Gods' as he puts it, just so that his godson would miraculously recover.

"Choices, vows and karma: these are the life plans we are making everyday, setting up the stages in our lives ahead, without being aware of the consequences."

I warned him not to say such things, or make such promises. He told me that I don't understand how much pain the child is in and he just wants the disease to go away.

The last message I had with him was, "Sometimes people set up life lessons, so that the people around them learn something from it. You have to understand that all you can do is to be there showing love and compassion, not making vows to exchange life sufferings or giving your life expectancy to the child." 

He went silent for a while, and just replied 'Thank you.' And he never messaged me thereafter.

"Life lesson: The process itself is the lesson, by being there and showing love and compassion in the ways we know, is how we learn and deal with the challenge. But, by making vows of extension to oneself is how we create the unnecessary Karma that would later on become a life lesson that we may regret."

Case File Closed - March 2015


Case File 004 - The Truth Part 1


Case File 002 - Karma & Retribution or Just Manifestations