Case File 004 continues - The Truth Part 2

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Walk-ins & Switching to the closest Timeline

How do you tell someone that his father was not the same person he spoke to on Tuesday, but a version of him from the closest alternate timeline?

After coffee on Saturday, I went to visit my friend's father in the hospital.

When I walked into the ward, I saw a totally different batch of patients in the same room where my friend's father was warded. Just as I began to think I had entered the wrong ward, I saw my friend standing near his father’s empty bed.  He explained his father had gone to the washroom.

I asked my friend if he knew some of the previous patients had checked out since I last visited. He pointed out that only the old man beside his father's bed changed ward, the others were here since his father was warded.  That was a sign that a timeline shift has occurred already.

When his father came out from the washroom, I was surprised to see someone else. Was that the same man I met, and healed with The Universal Energy? Physically, he looked the same, but his behaviour and the way he moves was of a totally different person altogether.

It confirmed my intuition was right about a timeline switch.

"Every single millisecond, we switch between timelines due to the conscious decisions we make, and the actions we take. Therefore, giving rise to the multiple timelines and multiple universes theories."

It was a miracle for my friend and his family that his father was recovering speedily and seemed like nothing had happened to him earlier in the week.

When an individual makes a decision about his life - any decisions in life, the Universe responds. One of the most familiar Universal Law in this Universe, is the Law of Attraction: What you put out, is what you get back.

Status: Closed; 1 August 2015


Case File 005 - Worst Fear


Case File 004 - The Truth Part 1