Ascension Festival

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Case File 007 - Love In or Out

Real Love doesn't let us fall in... "When we are in Love, Love lifts us up together with our loved ones." 

I came across a friend who was in a relationship with his partner for 7 years. They are comfortable with meeting each other a few times a week and that was all they had to offer in their relationship. Not thinking of staying together and being closer.

My friend, Zed, told me that he is just comfortable with this arrangement and anything more would be out of his comfort zone.

Zed's reason for not living together:

1. "Moving in together takes a lot of effort and adjustment."

2. "I'm used to having my own space."

3. "I don't know, if he's the ONE yet."

4. "I'm afraid of committing to this."

Probing further, I found out that Zed is still thinking of his Ex. Not letting him go; not in a good way though. Zed's harboured hatred for his Ex for more than 7 years since they broke up.

Although Zed and his current partner are together for 7 years, he just could not love his current partner wholeheartedly. Zed's heart is full; filled with the anger, hatred and resentment by the betrayal of his Ex.

"Anger and hatred are some of the most toxic energy that a person can contain. Life comes to a halt whenever names or situations are mentioned. And worst of all, it takes a toll on the body, when the glands produces too much acid whenever anger or hatred arise."

Zed was bitter about the break-up and has never forgiven his Ex. I asked him to make a choice to either let go or love. Because, anger and hatred had already manifested into aches and pains in his body. If this continues, Zed's body will eventually breakdown.

I understand that loving someone deeply, and being betrayed can hurt so bad that it feels like the heart has shattered into pieces. But we can always pick up the pieces later and put it back again. 

Our body on the other hand, once it is filled with toxic produced from anger and hatred, will need more help to heal.

"Know that Healing can only begin with Forgiveness. Forgiving the past is for ourselves and not for anyone else."

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