Case File 017 - Life Wraith

“Thoughts are very powerful, they attract ‘things’ and situations into our life without us knowing, being aware and conscious about the way we think is very important…”

I was helping a friend to get back on his feet before he gets himself into more trouble with his life. He was making some worrisome decisions like trying to end his own life, or joining a cult.

All this was because he finds that his life is too challenging to handle, but we all understand that life will not give us situations that we cannot handle. All we need to do is to ask for help and accept others’ helping hands.

The Clearing

He came to my place reluctantly, but at least he arrived. I helped him to clear his messy auras and thought process with energy work, and infused new energies into his being. Suddenly, I was prompted to take a look with my 3rd eye and to my surprise I found a Life Wraith by his side.

“Life Wraith: It is a Grim Reaper look alike, with a scythe but wearing a narrow long beak mask.”

My friend’s negativities about his life had attracted Life Wraith, it was slowly carving out his energies and life force. The depletion of energies and life force had made him lose his focus and his will to survive.

I bound the Life Wraith and sent it away. This was my first encounter with Life Wraith. After which, I made sure that my friend replenished more energy so that the energies could heal his life force.

Before he left, he told me that he felt better and his mind seems clearer than before. When I opened my door to let my friend out, I was surprised to see another Life Wraith waiting outside at my doorway, so I bound it and sent it off as well.

My two cents worth of advice:

“Be aware of your thoughts, a simple thought will change your circumstances around you without you even knowing.”

Status: Case File Closed 8th June 2016


Case File 018 - Time to say goodbye


Mission of Blessing - Part 2