Maitreya Ascension Energies™ Level 1

Maitreya Ascension Energies™ Level 1 prepares individuals with basic knowledge on meditation, dreams, chakras, auras, Bazi and breath-works. Level 1 helps to prepare the individual's physical and energetic bodies to be accustomed to more advance levels of Maitreya Ascension Energies™ classes.

There are 7 modules in Level 1 : Jan 2025 - April 2026

Module 1** - Ego, Awareness & Spiritual Awakening

Module 2** - Awareness Begins

Module 3** - The ‘Qi’ Within

Module 4** - The Chakra System (Basic)

Module 5** - The Aura (Basic)

Module 6** - Introduction to Dream Interpretation

Destiny with Bazi (Basic) - Highly Recommended (optional)  

Note : This course will require you to adopt dietary restrictions and lifestyle changes. We will conduct a pre-course interview to determine your suitability for this

** Module 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 are compulsory in order to proceed to MAE level 2

**Full package includes module 1 - 6 at an energy exchange rate of S$4388.00

  • Course Materials are included

  • Freight charges are not included

Maitreya Ascension Energies™ Level 1 Module 1: Ego, Awareness & Spiritual Awakening

Module 1

Ego, Awareness & Spiritual Awakening, let beginners understand the functions of their Ego, understand their Awareness and the meaning of Spiritual Awakening at different level of their spiritual journey

Lesson date : 4th Jan 2025
Ala carte : S$480.00

Maitreya Ascension Energies™ Level 1 Module 2: Awareness Begins

Module 2

Awareness is key of being mindful to the surroundings around us. Every thought, speech and action that we experienced through our lives becomes part of our awareness. 

This module assists participants to learn how to be mindful when they work with their breath. It brings participants to a more relaxing state of mind, allowing participants to be able to communicate with their subconscious mind. Improving their state of well-being and becoming more aware of themselves.

There will be a 14-days follow-up of daily meditation classes.

Meditation Class Dates:

12th Jan, 13th Jan, 14th Jan, 15th Jan, 16th Jan, 17th Jan, 18th Jan, 19th Jan, 20th Jan, 21st Jan, 22nd Jan, 23rd Jan, 24th Jan & 25th Jan

Lesson date : 11th Jan 2025
Ala carte : S$780.00

Maitreya Ascension Energies™  Level 1 Module 3: The 'Qi' WithinModule 3 - The 'Qi' Within

Module 3 

Everyone of us breathe and every breath is life. But do not be mistaken as each breath of air we take in is just to facilitate our inner 'Qi' the energies within us to circulate within the meridian points of our body, so that our body can function healthily.

This module is a build up from Module 1 - Ego, Awareness & Spiritual Awakening, and Module 2 Awareness Begins, using the techniques learn from both Modules to access into the participants inner ‘Qi’ to achieve better circulation of ‘Qi’ and blood in their body, so to maintain a good and healthy well-being of the physical, mental and emotional health.

This module requires all participants to do a daily intermittent fast from 2 p.m. till the next morning 7 a.m. for 30 consecutive days and a diet of no chili, onions, and garlics.

There will be a 12-weeks follow-up of weekly Qi within meditation classes.

The Qi Within Weekly Meditation Class

(Every Wednesday 8 p.m. SG Time)

Meditation Class Dates:

12th Feb, 19th Feb, 26th Feb, 5th Mar, 12th Mar, 19th Mar, 26th Mar, 2nd Apr, 9th Apr, 16th Apr, 23rd Apr & 30th Apr.

Lesson date : 8th Feb 2025
Ala carte : S$730.00

Maitreya Ascension Energies™ Level 1 Module 4: The Chakra System & Activation (Basic)

Module 4

Our Chakra system is linked to our endocrine system which produce different types of hormones that assist with our physical body's well-being.

This module introduces participants to the chakra system, allowing participants to understand the basic working of a chakra system. This module also helps to activate participants chakras and allowing them to be more aware of the chakras’ energies that is flowing within them, assisting them to achieve a better balance in life as a whole.

The Chakra System & Activation (Basic) allows participants to understand the seven major ‘Qi’ or energy centers within their physical bodies. By understanding the flow of ‘Qi’ or energies within their bodies, participants can now combine their knowledge of the flow of ‘Qi’ or energy with their seven chakras functions. This will further enhance participants’ understanding of their emotional and mental processes, and how it affects their personal and spiritual growth.

Lesson date : 3rd May 2025
Ala carte : S$580.00

Maitreya Ascension Energies™ Level 1 Module 5: The Aura (Basic)

Module 5 

After gaining the knowledge of The Chakra System (Basic) and the energies within, The Aura (Basic) will focus on the electromagnetic energies that are projected outwards from the physical form that interacts with the outside world. This module will focus on the importance of personal energetic hygiene and how to take better care for the aura and maintain a healthier energetic and physical body.

Our Aura is our first layer of defence against negative energies and negative influences. It is also lesser known that it is also our first layer of defence against air-borne diseases. A healthy Aura also means a healthy immune system.

This module introduces participants to the aura fields (electromagnetic fields) that are surrounding them, understanding what purpose their aura has for them and why does the aura changes color every now and then. And also how the well-being of their aura would affect their health directly.

Lesson date : 4th May 2025
Ala carte : S$480.00 

Maitreya Ascension Energies™ Level 1 Module 6: Introduction to Dream Interpretation

Module 6

Dreams are messages from our subconscious and also messages from our spirit guides. During ancient times, rulers from around the world believe that their dreams are messages from God and these dreams are mostly interpreted by their Spiritual Counsellor.

This module deal with the participants dreams. Learning how to decipher the meaning of their dreams, and how to start remembering their dreams. As dreams are messages from the subconscious mind, we ought to learn how to understand the meanings of our dreams so that these messages can serve us in our daily lives.

Introduction to Dream Interpretation is a form of self-understanding and self-discovery during our spiritual journey. Every day, every emotion, every thought that we have affect our spiritual journey ahead. Understanding how to interpret our dreams give us all access into our subconscious and unconscious part of ourselves. Being able to gain awareness through our dreams also means bringing light into our subconscious and unconscious mind, as this will help us to have a better understanding and meaning to our life ahead.

Lesson date : 5th May 2025
Ala carte : S$380.00


Destiny with Bazi (Basic)

Module 7

This module introduces participants to Chinese Metaphysics and Bazi. This is achieved through an introduction of the philosophy of Chinese Metaphysics and Bazi which can be expressed through the use of Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches. Participants will then learn to construct their Bazi through the concept of solar time. In addition, relevant Bazi mobile apps will be introduced to the participants. Widely use “Shen Shas” will be discussed before we incorporate the theory of the “Ten Gods” that seek to map out relevant relationships in the life of the chart holder. Lastly, there will be a case study for students to practice with the aim of helping participants the importance of destiny management using the philosophy of Chinese Metaphysics.

Lessons date : TBA
The Module consists of 6 lessons
Ala carte : S$1280

Decisions to accept applicants are final and non-negotiable.

In the event we decide the courses are not suitable for an applicant, a full refund of fees paid will be give


Maitreya Ascension Energies™ Level 2