Maitreya Ascension Energies™ Level 4

Maitreya Ascension Energies™ Level 4 is for those who wishes to advance further into their energetic cultivation and moving towards receiving lightwork missions.

Maitreya Ascension Energies™ Level 4 is ONLY meant for those who truly wish to gain further Ascension status in their own spiritual cultivation.

There are 7 modules in Level 4 :

Module 1 - Chakra System Upgrade
Module 2 - Upgrade & Access to your Own Energies & DNA
Module 3 - Activate & Access to the Light Body
Module 4 - Understanding the Higher Chakras
Module 5 - Energetic Discernment
Module 6 - Removal of Energetic Implants, Curses, & Injuries
Module 7 - Understanding Parallel Dimensions


  • This level only allows those who have gone through Maitreya Ascension Energies™ Level 1 – 3; and gone through an energetic assessment and interview with Adrian

Disclaimers: Maitreya Ascension Energies™ Level 4 is not open to public.

Maitreya Ascension Energies™ Level 4 Module 1: Chakra System Upgrade

Module 1

This module is meant to upgrade your Chakra System to a whole new level allowing your own energies to stabilize within your system. During the workshop, you will learn to reconstruct your Chakras into their new energetic form to facilitate your Ascension process. (1 lesson, 4 meditation classes)

Lesson date/Time : TBA

Follow-up Classes/ Time: TBA

Maitreya Ascension Energies™ Level 4 Module 2: Upgrade & Access to your Own Energies & DNA

Module 2

This module will introduce you to your own set of energies. You will come to understand your own level of energetic cultivation (preferably that you would have cultivated for more than 2 years; or at least 1 year with Maitreya Ascension Energies™). During the class, your New Energies & DNA will be upgraded to further improve your Ascension Process. (1 lesson, 4 meditation classes)

WARNING: This upgrading process can damage your Energetic and Chakra System. The damage can directly cause health issues to your physical, emotional and mental bodies.

Lesson date/ Time : TBA

Follow-up Classes/ Time: TBA

Maitreya Ascension Energies™ Level 4 Module 3: Activate & Access to the Light Body

Module 3

This module will give you the key to activate and have direct access to your Light Body. Accessing to your Light Body will help you balance your Yin and Yang energies, improves your energy flow during meditation, improves your connection with your Higher Self, and bring forth manifestations to your reality. The Activation of your Light Body will aid you further in your Ascension Process. (1 lesson, 4 meditation classes)

Lesson date/ Time : TBA

Follow-up Classes/ Time: TBA

Maitreya Ascension Energies™ Level 4 Module 4: Understanding the Higher Chakras

Module 4

This module will introduce and activate your 6 Higher Chakras that will allow you to have a deeper understanding of the True Divine Father Creator and True Light Energies. Upon gaining a deeper understanding into the True Divine Father Creator and True Light Energies, you will be able to access more of your spiritual gifts that are meant for you as you go through your Ascension Pathway. (1 lesson, 4 meditation classes)

Lesson date/ Time : TBA

Follow-up Classes/ Time: TBA

Maitreya Ascension Energies™ Level 4 Module 5: Energetic Discernment

Module 5

This module is meant to sharpen and fine tune your Clairsentient abilities. Through the classes you will learn to differentiate the different kinds of frequencies and what are the meaning of these frequencies. You will then have a better sense of decerning and decoding messages from other dimensions, to facilitate effective communication with the frequencies that are being presented. (1 lesson, 8 classes)

Lesson date/ Time : TBA

Follow-up Classes/ Time: TBA

Maitreya Ascension Energies™ Level 4 Module 6: Removal of Energetic Implants, Curses, & Injuries

Module 6

This module you will learn the basic types of Negative Implants and Energies influences, and the ways to clear and remove these energetic influences. (1 lesson, 4 classes)

WARNING: In order to learn how to remove these energetic influences, Negative Implants and Energies will be placed on you.

Lesson date/ Time : TBA

Follow-up Classes/ Time: TBA

Maitreya Ascension Energies™ Level 4 Module 7: Understanding Parallel Dimensions

Module 7

On the previous module, we have explained the Divine Dimensions. This workshop will explain about the Darker Dimensions, and the beings that resides in them.

 Lesson date/ Time : TBA

Maitreya Ascension Energies™ Level 4 Exam Part 1: Remove Negative Implants & Energies 

Date/ Time: TBA

Ala carte : S$180.00

 Maitreya Ascension Energies™ Level 4 Exam Part 2: Protection Against Jinn & Spirits

 Date/ Time: TBA

Ala carte : S$200.00

Spiritual Mission Download

You are given 2 weeks to complete your Spiritual Mission at your own time.
Once completed you will need to report the incident and resolution of your Spiritual Mission.

Date/ Time: TBA

Ala carte : S$280.00

Decisions to accept applicants are final and non-negotiable.

In the event we decide the courses are not suitable for an applicant, a full refund of fees paid will be given


Maitreya Ascension Energies™ Level 3