Case File 031- Public Enemy
When you make a name clearing entities – you can become Public Enemy No 1 to the other side. This can make things a little complicated, even in public areas.
Since the previous case ‘Stairway to Hell’, I have encountered a lot of spirits asking for help to cross over. It’s no problem if they are benign.
However, ghouls, unknown dark entities and spirits started to invade my space. They are usually dealt with by end of the day.
Recently, one of our Universal Energy Trainees, Reynolds, was experiencing harassment by three ghoul entities. They couldn’t harm him, as he had learned how to protect himself. Those around him, however, were vulnerable.
One of the ghouls created chaos by injecting negative energy to cause friction between people in the workplace. Another followed him to work in his car, tried to cause any ‘accidents’, and the third one kept watch on him in his home. Reynolds did not go into detail here.
We were in a café having dinner and catching up. Reynolds shared his anxiety about the ghouls which were bothering him, and the incidents that they had caused.
I reminded Reynolds not to be disturbed by the petty thoughts that they were instigating. As long as they don’t hurt anyone, all things will be fine.
In the middle of our dinner, I needed to use the washroom and I could sense something following me into the small cubicle.
When I ‘activated’ my third eye, the ghoul launched an attack on me. I turned around and channelled flames to kill it, but that was not the end of it.
When I opened the cubicle door, a horde of ghouls rushed at me. The flames I had called previously took care of them all, leaving only ashes in my path.
As I returned to the table, I noticed the shop’s spirit guardian looking in our direction. The encounters in the bathroom had disturbed it and I made sure to reassure the spirit guardian that I meant no harm to anyone else.
While we were finishing off our dinner, the spirit guardian was still keeping a careful eye on us. I related the bathroom incident to Reynolds, and he was stunned.
After dinner, I walked Reynolds to his vehicle, and noticed the ghoul lurking in his car. I told him to ‘open’ his third eye and take a look. When he caught sight of the ghoul on his car, the ghoul tried to attack. I caught it and dealt with it on the spot.
I told Reynolds not to worry anymore as the ghoul had been dealt with.
He thanked me and drove home. The next morning, Reynolds messaged me that he felt so clear and uplifted in the morning. The squabbles and negative thoughts among his colleagues had stopped, and everything were more peaceful.
At times, beings from the other dimensions will take their chances to challenge our consciousness and our lives. They can cause disturbance and chaos around us.
But all we need to do is to take control of our fear and be mindful not to let their energy influence us in any way possible.
Status: Case On Hold (for now)