Case File 033 - A Supernatural Community in East Singapore

In Singapore, and anywhere in the world, you will find that the gardens, nature trails and eco parks also serve as ‘homes and communities’ for local supernatural beings. 

Dave and I went for a walk in Tampines Eco Park in the late morning. We were exploring possible testing grounds for the next batch of Universal Energy students. 

During our exploration, we stumbled upon a few sites with jinn homes and communities; they weren’t not as large as those on Corny Island but sizeable enough to be a town. 

We tried to minimise using our third eye to avoid disturbing the ‘townfolk’. But once in a while, we couldn’t resist taking peeks to see what were around us. 

At the end of the trail, I ‘heard’ cheering and loud thumping, so I got curious and took a look. 

 There was a small arena set up in a clearing, with a cheering crowd, and  some kind of a wrestling match going on.  

I left quietly – best not to distract the 'sporting event'. 

Before we left the trail, we caught a foul stench coming from the nearby trees. There was a figure hanging among the trees, clad in white with clawed hands and sharp teeth. 

It looked like a pontianak, a spirit commonly found in wooded areas. The being did not come close to us, it just hung out among the trees. 

As we concluded our reconnaissance of the Eco Park, Dave asked why I chose to leave the being be. 

Sometimes it's okay to just keep our distance as long as there is no harm done to us. Although it appeared scary, its appearance may be to keep us away. And we should respect that, as visitor to their home.  

In short, live and let live. 

Case Closed 


Case File 034 - A Celestial Party


Case File 032 - An Uninvited Tenant