Case File 013 - Bio-implants

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When was the last time we felt so paralysed by our own emotions, that 'it' causes so much discomfort that our entire body system was affected by 'it'?

And what is 'it' that is causing all the pain and discomfort?

I only came to realise this after a new case that I have had just handled recently. 

Krane, a 30 year old successful engineer, was recommended by my friend (a physical therapist) to come in for an intuitive healing session due to his muscle tension and he was easily injured during his gym routine and other sports activities.

Krane did not mention too much about his issues, except his muscle tension and that he is prone to injury. But when I started to facilitate his healing, things were more than meets the physical eyes.

Krane's nerves were inflamed, and it was causing the muscles on his legs and around his pelvis area to swell. On further examination, the muscles on his shoulders were also starting to show signs of inflammation. I could feel that it was uncomfortable for him to even walk normally. I channelled healing energies towards the areas required, and  also created an energetic medicine to flow through his nervous systems to help ease and prevent any further inflammation in his muscular system.

Thinking that I would allow the energies to do their work, I was prompted by his spirit guide to look into the left side of his chest area. I was shocked to find that there was some kind of a lump like being attaching itself inside Krane's chest, and it was covered by a layer of dark green weed like plant.

I went ahead to clear out the weed, and found that the lump was a living being inside his chest, with eyes and teeth. It was my 1st encounter with such a bio-implant. I took it out from Krane's chest and cleared it away for him.

After the healing session, I sat down with Krane and asked him if anyone had held any kind of ill intentions or grudges against him at work or in private. He said he has always been a quiet person who kept to himself, he was quite a loner so to speak. 

I probed further, and asked if he had any form of anger, hatred or guilt issues that he has had previously.  As I probed further, he admitted that during his college final year, he had fallen out of love during the examination period. That caused him to lose both the love of his life and earning good credits for his degree.

So after graduation, he buried himself in his new job. Although successful in his job, he was never good with relationships; neither with colleagues nor affairs of the heart. He said he felt uncomfortable and unable to function after his break-up years ago,  that he tried very hard to get over it but still the hurt lingers. 

I told him about the bio-implant and advised him to move on with his life and pursue his all time passion into keeping fit and enjoying his sports activities.

Weeks later, Krane updated me on his progress about his life changes, throwing out all the old photos of his girlfriend, and now he is able to connect and communicate better at work with his colleagues. My friend who sent Krane to me also updated me about Krane's muscle tension and injury issues, which were almost resolved till date.

"At times, issues that cause anger, hatred, guilt and resentment will create something within us that we will have no idea about. A self imposed restriction may become a self-made bio-implant that will 'eat' our life energy causing us to feel tired and lonely. And most of the time by letting go and forgiving those who have wronged us, is the only way to free ourselves." 

Status: Case Closed on 16 Jan 2016


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