Case File 012 - Life Path Vs Ego Path

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Life Path Vs. Ego Path

"A lot of us go through our lives meeting challenges and changes every now and then, some of us are asking if we are running around in circles or are we really on the right path on our life journey. And are we really fulfilling our full potential?"

I met someone called Leslie recently, who is stuck in his current job but wishes to move on to another. Leslie had been in his current job for almost 5 years, but felt that he  was meant to do more. He was recently presented with 2 options, one was to teach in a local university and the other was to go to Australia for an overseas posting.

Leslie is in his early 50's, and he told me that he really wanted the job in Australia because it is a job of glamour and power. He told me that his mind was all set and fixed about the coming job interview from the Australian company, that he was not leaving any space for any other things to distract him. 

He had sleepless nights and his physical mind was actively thinking about the 'what if's' and 'what happens' when he is offered the job. He said he was confident that he would get the job easily because the position that he had applied for was at the same level as that of his previous job.

The day came, when he flew to Australia for the job interview, although he managed to answer most of the questions,  he had a mind block on one of the questions that was considered simple and technical. 

When Leslie came back to Singapore, he felt lost and lousy - thinking over and over again about his mistake made during the interview and not letting himself go. Repeating the sleepless nights again, but this time with a different mood and a different vibrational frequency - Fear and anxiety.

Leslie came to me and asked for advice. He told me his entire story. 

My reply:

"The Universe has given you 2 options, you have made your choice to stay positive and focus on the one that you most wanted. But have you given a thought on why you are given one more option?" 

"In life, we are always looking forward to new experiences instead of repeating our lives all over again with a similar choice."

"You left your previous job of the same capacity for a reason only you will know, and why do you wish to repeat the same choice since you had left it behind 5 years ago?"

At this moment, Leslie was stuck and just kept insisting that this job in Australia is different because of location, and the people there are very different as well. So he expected things to be much better than his old job where he had left after 15 years of service.

I knew I would not be able to guide him to a reflection, as he was very stuck in his own mind and was not willing to open himself up for suggestions. I could only offer Leslie 2 crystals that will ease his mind, so that he might get enough rest and hopefully reduce his stress level.

Living in Faith or Just Living in Comfort Zone

Sometimes we are just stuck on a level of thinking that we are on the correct path for ourselves, because we had already set our minds on a previous comfort zone level that we were so used to, and felt so at ease with. 

Although living in the Comfort Zone is very much comfortable and familiar, it is very tiring and energy sapping to live in. There is no growth, not much surprises, just the usual day in day out.

New challenges on the other hand, may be exciting and fun because the new experiences at first, but after the excitement has burnt-out, the ego finally realizes that moving forward is just too tough, and the growing process can be painful, then the ego's passion will dwindle.

I understand that it is not easy to live in Faith, it is both exciting yet unpredictable. But once we get used to the momentum, life itself just gets easier and more exciting every single moment. Miracles and surprises just keep happening in our lives and we are always living in the present moment.

Faith is for those brave souls who are passionate about living Life. Comfort Zone is  for those souls who just prefer to remain  status quo.

I understand this Universe is all about Free Will, and like I always say, 

"I will never interfere with Free Will! This Life is yours, you make your choice."

My 2 cents worth of advice:

"Accepting help from others means accepting help from the Universe or GOD! Sometimes we just have to ask the Ego to shut the F**k up, swallow our pride, open our golden mouth and ask for help!"

Status: Case file closed


Case File 013 - Bio-implants


Mission by the Bay