Case File 018 - Time to say goodbye
"Sometimes it is not easy to let go of a loved one who passed away suddenly, but why hold on if the loved one wants to move on?"
Time to say goodbye
This case was booked a week ago by Connie, one of our Spiritual Conscious Race Facilitators; it was until last Friday that all elements were put into place for it to be cleared. For this case, Ryan, another Spiritual Conscious Race Facilitator was also present to assist with this soul sending case.
We met up with Branda (not her real name), at the MRT station near her home, where she brought us to her place. During the short walk, she explained to me the entire situation that had been bothering her family and herself for the last few months since her sister’s ‘unnatural death’ incident.
After listening to her situation, the conclusion was that Branda was the one that could not let her sister’s soul leave and every now and then, she kept picturing her sister in a bad state and that she was trapped in the limbo dimension, in between our reality and the one meant for after life.
Branda’s guilt towards her late sister, and her resentment towards her nephew, who somehow caused the 'death', trapped her sister’s soul in limbo. Branda’s belief system and understanding about what happens ‘after-life’ was also part of the reason why she could not let her late sister’s soul leave.
For the 2 hours, we managed to clear Branda’s emotional blockages and also encouraged her to let go of her sister’s soul, so that she could cross over, as her sister’s life to death guide was there to assist with the process. Even Branda’s late mother (her spiritual essence) was also present at that moment to comfort Branda and assure her that her sister will be moving on in peace.
I managed to peer into the time-space to see what caused her sister’s death.. After that, I shared the piece of information with Branda.. Branda’s daughter affirmed me the coroner's report also mentioned the similar cause of death of her aunt.
The information channeled was the final piece of the puzzle that Branda needed to let her sister’s soul go.
In the presence of it all, Branda and her family bid her sister’s soul a final ‘goodbye’ and the case was finally put to rest.
“Sometimes it is really challenging to let go of our loved ones, especially when we are trapped in our own guilt and resentment. It is a lesson that we all learn during this life time – Letting Go”
Status: Case File Closed