Case File 027 - Dark Entities Worship
"Kuman Thong is a household divinity of Thai folk practice. It is believed to bring luck and fortune to the owner if properly revered. Kuman, or Kumara (Pali) means 'Sanctified young boy' (female kumari); thong means golden." - taken from the Wikipedia entry.
Winning lotteries, getting the partner of your dreams...revenge! Defeating rivals!
These are just some of the common reasons why people have been taught to expect from the Thai folk practice: to help them make their dreams come true.
However, there are rules and consequences to this practice, which some ignore or simply forget about. Others become too attached to it, even reliant.
This is a case of a man who became too attached to the Kuman Thong, and let it get out of control.
A friend, Blake, told me that one of his long-time friends was in the hospital for internal bleeding with unknown causes. He asked if I could visit his friend in the hospital, and I agreed.
On the way to the hospital, Blake told me that his friend, Justin, has a hobby of keeping Kuman Thong, and he even adopted ones that others were trying to get rid of.
As a general rule, one should not keep a Kuman Thong for more than sixteen years, or else they would go out of control and start to cause disturbance and even harm.”
Before the visit to the hospital, I put up a shield around his aura. By the time we arrived at the hospital, I told Blake to stay close. If he felt weakness or vertigo, he was to let me know.
We arrived at the ward and met Justin, who looked healthy and fresh. His wife was seated at his bedside, feeding him oranges.
Justin greeted the both of us, and asked Blake if I am the person he mentioned.
Justin’s wife excused herself and I sat down to start my conversation with Justin. “So what can I do for you?” I asked
“Can you really cure me?” Justin wondered. “I really don’t know what is going on with me…”
“What’s your story?” I said.
Justin was taken aback and kept insisting that he did not know what was wrong with him
He claimed he was fine a few days ago and was suddenly diagnosed with this strange illness. The doctor had concluded he had cancer at the final stage.
So why did he ask for my help? My question had him at a loss. I was not able to help if he was only speaking of his physical ailments.
Blake convinced Justin to speak up and tell me the whole story.
Justin finally started speaking of the Kuman Thong and adopting more from others. He had kept them for more than 30 years.
I informed him that his actions had not only affected himself, but some of his neighbours were already affected by these beings for years. Justin thought about it and admitted that some of the neighbours who used to walk past his flat had passed on for strange reasons as well, and these incidents only started a few years ago.
For him to recover, he needed a monk to help release the souls of the Kuman Thong.
Justin seemed reluctant and asked if there were other means to help him with his illness, and I explained there were no other options.
At this point, Justin was visibly struggling with the decision. At that moment, I saw a dark entity appearing next to Justin. It quickly disappeared when it sensed my presence. At the same time, Blake left the room to receive a phone call.
While Justin was struggling to make the decision, I sensed something strange in the direction where Blake went out to take his call. My third eye saw a bunch of jinni-Kuman Thong-type creatures enveloping Blake’s aura. I immediately activated the shield I had placed earlier, the shield and cleared away all the negative beings that were leaching off him.
I told Justin that, his indecisiveness had not only caused harm to himself but to others close to him as well. When he tried to negotiate with me and said if he could keep one or two, I told him off – if he persisted in keeping these Kuman Thong, he and his immediate family would suffer the consequences, since the Kuman Thongs knew that Justin had asked for help.
I gave my last piece of advice to Justin: “This is only the beginning of the suffering that you are encountering. Later, your immediate family may suffer because of your selfish decision. So, decide wisely, and send them off, so that all can rest in peace.”
Blake returned from his phone call and I told him that the consultation was over.
I also asked Blake to find a Thai Buddhist Monk who could help with the releasing of the Kuman Thong, if Justin decided to let go of all the Kuman Thong.
I took my leave after that.
I knew that it might be too late to help with Justin’s ‘illness’, but at least his wife and children could be spared if they decided to release the Kuman Thong.
The next evening, Blake called me and told me that Justin had passed away after going into a coma, the night before.
The desires and greed blind man; they caused his downfall and eventually cost him his life. Most of us would think this was the end of the story, but no one knows the aftereffects of his doings on his loved ones.”
Status: Case Closed in February 2017