Case File 039 - The Backstabber's Curse

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Backstabbers (aka 小人)

No one likes a backstabbing bastard, most people just try to stay away or avoid them at all cause, if possible.

In Fengshui, it is believed that the backstabber energy (小人) is a notorious bad chi (气; energy) that causes disharmony and attracts gossips and backstabbing incidents in one's life during certain year or month in one's life.

In Chinese folk belief, it was believed that if one encounters backstabber (小人), one should go to a temple and 'hit the backstabber ' (打小人). The temple medium would usually ask you to buy a paper doll or a few, then go to the back of the temple and squat down, using either a shoe or a clog to hit the paper doll. This is to clear the bad chi, or literally get rid of the backstabbers, if any.

This case is about backstabber (小人), but it's neither in human form nor just bad Fengshui, it is the paper doll itself.

Ming was an overseas graduate, who just obtained his Masters Degree from an Australian University. He came back to Singapore and managed to secure a high position in one of the multinational corporations (MNCs).

For the first few months, things were looking great for Ming; the high pay and the bright future ahead as he was only 34 years old. But things started to turn against him, when he found that there was  a few sabotage  by some of his subordinates, and one of the HR personnel revealed to Ming that there was supposed to be an internal promotion, but instead, he was being offered the position.

Ming thought that if he were to treat his subordinates better and offer more opportunities, the sabotaging would stop. However it got worse, so Ming poured his frustration to his mother, who suggested the 'beat the backstabbers' method. For some strange reasons, Ming agreed to give it a try.

On the following Sunday, Ming and his mother went to Singapore's famous Waterloo street and sought help not from the Goddess of Mercy temple, but the medium. They went to one of the shop temples that was located on the 2nd story of an HDB (housing development board - government housing agency) flat, praying  making offerings to the idol gods that were worshipped there.

Then they approached one of the temple mediums, an old lady who was in her late 60s, to perform the 'beat the backstabbers' ritual.

The medium assisted Ming with the ritual and at the end of the ritual, Ming gave the medium a red packet you thanked her for her assistance. He did not have much thought about the ritual, and left the temple.

A few weeks later, Ming had mild headaches every once in a while. Thinking that these might be work-related stress, he simply ignored it. These mild headaches gradually escalated into migraines. He went to see a doctor about his migraine situation, and was prescribed with painkillers. Eventually, the situation got worse, so Ming had to go for an MRI scan for his bad migraines, but nothing abnormal was discovered.

There was no improvement in both Ming's problems at work and his bad migraines; but somehow Ming got to know about my work through his friend, Earl.

Earl brought Ming to attend one of my Friday Meditation Classes. Earl and Ming came in early, and Earl asked if I could help look at Ming's situation. I switched on my third eye and  peeked; behold, there was  a paper doll standing on Ming's shoulder hitting his head.

I asked Ming, "Did you try the "hit the backstabber" ritual?"

Ming was shocked and surprised, as he did not mention anything to Earl prior to our meeting. Ming nodded, and I asked again,

"Do you have bad headaches or migraines?"

Ming was shocked again, and he just nodded in silence. I told both Ming and Earl to make an appointment to see me again on the following Monday, to deal with the situation.

What I saw through my Third Eye Vision

During the short consultation with Ming and Earl, I saw a 12-inch-tall white paper doll standing on Ming’s shoulder, one of its paper hands glued on to Ming’s head and the other paper hand slapping the right side of Ming’s head continuously.

The following Monday, Earl came with Ming for the appointment. I sat Ming down and told Earl to sit in one of the corners at the back of the room. Earl is a Universal Energy Practitioner, so I told him to bring up his energetic shield before I deal with the entity.

Before I dealt with the entity, I told Ming to close his eyes and then created a ‘safe-space’ within the area where Ming was seated. It was to make sure that the entity would not be able to escape and leech on to anyone else.

When I sat down with Ming in the ‘space’ that I had created, I saw through my third eye’s vision, the paper doll entity was still standing on Ming’s shoulder, but this time round it grew a few inches taller, also bigger. But the colour had changed from the initial white colour to a dirty red colour, and the hitting speed was much faster than the first time I saw it.

It took a while, but when I managed to subdue the paper doll entity, it was struggling and screaming in loud and sharp pitch. While pulling it away from Ming’s head, it struggled even more trying to break free from the binding, which I place on it. When I managed to safely remove the entity from Ming's shoulders; I quickly sent it back to where it came from.

Finally, when I told Ming to open up his eyes and asked him how he felt,

“On my! The heaviness that I felt was gone and I felt so much lighter.” he exclaimed.

I told Ming that the entity had been removed and he is safe now. I asked Ming a question before he left,

“Did you, by any chance meet with someone who practiced any forms of witchcraft or shamanic craft? When I was tracing the source of the energy, I saw a lady dressed in all black.”

Ming’s eyes were wide open, when he heard what I said and told me this,

“I had an Indonesian girlfriend when I was studying overseas. She likes to dress in black and she told me before that she is a practicing Bomoh (Malay word for Shaman). And after hearing that, I broke up with her, is it her? You know I suspect it was her all along… I mean yah…”

Ming tried to continue talking but I interrupted his babbling. I told him that his case was not because of the Bomoh ex-girlfriend, it was a classic case of: Reflecting A Curse and getting Cursed back.

When someone is fearful of another person and tries to ‘get-rid’ of that person using something like a certain ritual or a curse, it may get reflected back to the person who try to do the ritual or the curse; especially when the other person is an Energy Practitioner.

Ming understood my explanation and left with Earl.

A few weeks later, Ming called to tell me that everything is getting so much better, and  thanked me for my help.

Status: Case Closed in January 2018


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