Case File 040 - Connecting with An Alien Council

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If you are reading this and think that this is utter nonsense, just treat it like a story. Keep an open mind; keep your eyes and ears alert when the Alien Councils arrive on Earth soon…

There are a lot of Alien Councils out there who want and wish to connect or recruit human beings on Earth. It is neither negative nor positive; just a matter of jumping from one belief system to the next.

Alien Councils are most likely to approach and connect with those individuals, who have cultivated to a certain level of higher frequency.

Accepting gifts or implants from these Alien Councils may or may not cause harm. Depending on whether you would like to have a tracking system in you; not on the physical level sometimes, but on an energetic level, which is a bit tricky to remove if it had been implanted for a while.

You may ask, “What’s the purpose of this recruitment drive?”  My guess is to increase the amount of souls to subscribe to their (the Alien Council) belief systems.

A Red Carpet Welcome

A few months ago, someone that was attuned to The Universal Energy, Don, was practicing his daily meditation at home.

This is how Don described his experience to me,

“I was meditating and the moment I managed to calm down and bring in The Universal Energies, my astral body was suddenly transported to outer space.

Not far from where I stand, I saw this shiny spacecraft nearby. It seemed to be calling out to me, so all I did was just respond to the call and ‘woosh’ I was at the entrance of the spacecraft.

The door opened; two very tall and lengthy Aliens greeted me. They have almond shaped large eyes, and their eyes were jet black dark but shiny. One of them presented me a silver dish with two diamond-like objects, and spoke to me telepathically,

‘These are universal translators and they are for you.’

Without a second thought I took the diamond-like objects and placed them into my heart. And I was able to receive more telepathic communications coming through, words from other beings and people made sense.

I was then ushered to a grand hall where I was informed that there would be a concert coming up. I sat in one of the seats, like the rest of the visitors and was ready to be entertained.

When the alien performer arrived, it sang the most amazing song that really touched my heart and I could feel the song’s energetic frequency penetrating into every single cell of my being. ‘Wonderful’ was the word that came into my mind.

When my astral body returned back to my physical body, I felt a nice yet weird feeling, it was as if I wanted to go back to the spaceship again. Someone was calling me telepathically from there.”

Through Don’s description, I told him that during these changing-times in the metaphysical world, Alien beings, including other inter-dimensional beings are here to ‘recruit’ evolved souls to their team and belief systems. And if he was willing and ready to change a new team or change a new set of belief systems, he could go ahead.

Don was shocked and kept silent for a few minutes, then he asked if there was a way to not change his current belief systems as he wished to continue with his current life path. I told him that he could astral travel back to the spaceship and return the universal translator to its owner, and know the fact that this is still a free-will Universe.

In a later conversation we had over the phone, Don told me that he had astral travelled back to the spaceship and returned the set of universal translators to its alien owner. The aliens collected back their gifts from Don, with no questions asked, but they did mentioned something to Don which I mentioned earlier on,

“This is a free-will Universe after all.”

It is always nice to receive gifts that are either physical or metaphysical. Do be aware that these so-called gifts may or may not come with a price. But know that there is always a return policy, because this is a free-will Universe after all.

Status: Closed; November 2017


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