Case File 046 - The Shop (Part 2)

The Potential Shop

We decided to visit Tanjong Pagar Plaza the following day, before lunchtime. But by the time we parked our vehicle it was already close to lunchtime. We were gladly surprised by the crowd that was building up at a coffee shop on the second level of the shophouse plaza. From afar, we actually saw a seemingly empty shop just beside the coffee shop. I told David,

Case 046.jpg

“If that shop is empty, we will take it even if the rental is above our budget.”

And David agreed, as the lunch crowd started to build up even more, both David and I were getting even more excited than before,

“Imagine the spill over from the after lunch crowd to our shop.” David enthused

And when we reached the full glass frontage shop, there was a phone number written on a piece of post-it note pasted on the glass frontage.

I quickly called up the number and found out from the owner himself that the shop was still available for rental. Being anxious, I asked if I could view the interior of the shop, and the owner told us that he would only be able to meet us the following day.

We left the place while admiring the lunch crowd at the coffee shop beside it, knowing that our future shop would enjoy a lot of eyeballing daily. (Noted: this is a way to manifest.) But, there was just one thing that slipped my mind during all these happiness; I forgot to take the Feng Shui positions of the shop.

The Fateful Day

We arrived slightly earlier before the appointment time so that I could take the Feng Shui position measurement of the shop, to my disappointment the position was considered unfavourable to me.

In the midst of feeling down, a ‘soft ring’ came through my left ear, knowing that a divine entity would like to communicate; I looked through my third eye and saw the Earth deity (土地公/大伯公) that is in charged of the area. I asked,

“Is there anything I can help you with?”

“This place is the best location here, it’s going to bring you wealth and prosperity.” The Earth deity replied and left.

I opened my eyes and David was looking at me, when I was about to tell David about the encounter with the Earth Deity, a lady came up to us and asked,

“Are you Adrian?”

“Yes, and you are?” I asked the lady.

“I’m Ronda, here to show you the shop.” she replied.

While she was opening  the locked premise, I told David that I just encountered the Earth Deity in this area, and he had a message of prosperity for us. David looked at me and said,

“Actually I wanted to tell you something as well, but that can wait.”

We entered the shop premise and liked it. Although the energy was old and stale, it would all be renewed after my Space Clearing Ritual.  Both David and I were so happy and wanted to make an offer, but Ronda said we have to talk to her husband, who is the landlord, about that.

So I made a call to the Landlord…

to be continued...


Case File 047 - The Shop (Part 3)


Case File 045 - The Shop (Part 1)