Case File 047 - The Shop (Part 3)

The Yong Tau Foo Store (Part 3)

I then followed  up with a call to the owner, and we came to an agreement with the rent. We also agreed to sign up for the lease of the shop the following day. We then thanked Ms. Lee for showing us the premise and bid her farewell.

David then reminded me something that was in line with my dream message,

“You remember your dream message about the famous Yong Tau Foo store? I remembered a very famous one just across the link bridge.”

David then brought me to the famous Yong Tau Foo store that was located across the link bridge to the hawker food centre. When I saw the queue for that store, I was convinced that it must be so good that the office lunch crowd was willing to spend fifteen minutes of their lunch hour queuing for their food. And of course the store was also featured in three of the local food channels, highly recommending their food.

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So there we have the famous Yong Tau Foo store near our shop.

As we were looking for available toilets in the vicinity, we found a toilet that was located on the same floor as the Yong Tau Foo store, and we were also told that there was another on the ground floor, so we went to the ground floor to take a look.

On the ground floor, we did locate the toilet, but also  an Earth Deity altar. It was the same Earth Deity that appeared to me near the shop. I gave my thanks to the spiritual being. 

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But the story did not end here.

The Drama begins…

I was still bothered by the Fengshui directional issue, so I went to my meditation centre and consulted with my tarot cards. The initial readings were that I was being asked back by my tarot cards that were I comfortable with the space? And that if I was ready for the shop instead? Feeling slightly frustrated, I asked for a One Card ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answer, the question was,

“Should I get the shop?”

And the cards answered thrice,


It made me even more frustrated as we were about to sign the contract for the shop later in the afternoon. At that moment, David walked into the meditation centre and found that I had a grumpy look on my face, he asked,

“What happened?”

I told him what my tarot cards answered me in regards to the store, and now I am really frustrated about the whole decision. Then David asked,

“So what are you going to do? Are we going to abandon the plan or what?”

I could sense the unsettling feeling from David as both of us had put in too much effort for the shop to be opened. So I assured David that,

“Look! Last resort, I have to go and meet an old friend who will know what to do and how I should handle this matter. And I’ve always trusted his advice.”

“Who?!” David asked

“The Avalokiteshvara Energy!” be continued (Final Chapter)


Case File 048 - The Shop (Finale)


Case File 046 - The Shop (Part 2)