Case File 048 - The Shop (Finale)
The Avalokiteshvara Temple at Waterloo Street (Part 4 – Final)
As we arrived at the temple in Waterloo Street, it was crowded as usual. I went straight in and I closed my eyes and told The Avalokiteshvara Energy that my purpose there was to only ask whether to proceed with the renting of the shop.
I went into the temple and walked to the side of the temple, where there were tins of lots and kua that were used for divination.
This is the famous Waterloo Street Temple, where the divination advice from The Avalokiteshvara Energy is at least 98% accurate. And people from all walks of life in Singapore, would go to this temple and ask for advice for anything in life, it was said that the divination advice from this temple is the best in Singapore, and it is also a tourist must-visit spot. Many claimed that the advice was so accurate that some devotees even come from as far as Thailand and Indonesia to just come to Singapore and seek divination advice from this temple.
By the way, The Avalokiteshvara Energy (TAE) and I are like ‘close friends’ – this is the best way I can use Human terms to explain my relationship with TAE – so we would speak with each other like buddies at times. For those, who wish to judge or take offence about this, so be it!
I took my divination tin and kua and found a spot to ask for my answers. I took the kua and went,
“You know what I am here for, so tell me if I should take up this shop?” I asked and threw the kua to ask for answers, the kua showed a ‘Smiling Sign’, basically, what TAE is saying here is,
“What do you think?” (with a smile)
“Look! I just want to know if I should take up this shop that’s all!”
I threw the kua again, and again it's the ‘Smiling Sign’,
“What? Don’t just keep smiling! I just want to know if you can help me to decide if I should take up the shop that's all.”
I threw the kua again, but this time it's the ‘Closed Sign’, basically means
“No!” or “I have no answers for you!”
When I saw that ‘No’ sign, I switched on my third eye and took a look at TAE and guess what, He rolled His eyes at me and told me,
“Look! How many signs do you want the Divine to give you? You have the dream messages, the affirmation from the local Earth Deity, isn’t that enough?” He answered.
“But I saw the opposite from my Tarot cards!” I answered
“Look! Remember about the Forced cards situations you had. And do you remember what you channelled and advise your meditation participants about ‘Taking charged’ of your own decision?” He reminded me
I went blanked for a while, now I understood what was happening. I acknowledged TAE’s advice and made a commitment and told Him that I will take full responsibility for the shop and the new path that I would embark on. And if I may ask for advice on the path ahead, I threw the kua and it came showed the ‘Yes Sign’.
Needless to say, the divination lot gave the most positive outcome of my path ahead.
After which, David and I proceeded to the shop to meet up with the landlord, and signed a two-year lease for the shop.
And now the next chapter begins…
“In life, we are always given signs about the things that we are going to embark on or embarking at the moment. All we need to do is to be aware and know that the signs are there.”
Of course all being said, it is still up to the individual to take full responsibility with the decision that is made, it is not up to your mentor or your spirit guides to make them for you. Take Charge and Be Responsible!