Mission by the Bay


Dimensional Portals

"We heard of portals being opened up either accidentally or unknowingly.  But, some of these portals opened up for reasons that only the being/s who did it knows why."

I hesitated to share this article, as this story wouldn’t make sense to most. It certainly did not to the many friends who told me that I am crazy. I was travelling at my own expense, although I was not employed, But someone has to do something about these issues. 

Gratitude and Giving Thanks

For those who are curious about how I get the money to go and do this Mission; I will simply ascribe it to Divine order and gifts. Through the massage therapy sessions that I held, a few consultations and Universal Energy Healing sessions, I was able to put together a sum to pay for the mission’s travel expenses. My family members were supportive too, and chipped in as much as they could. I was, and still am very grateful for their support and understanding.

Mission By the Bay

This mission brought me to Hong Kong, Repulse Bay. I was guided to this location almost immediately after the mass soul sending I did in Langkawi in September 2015.

Once I arrived in Hong Kong, I checked into the hotel and took the rest of the day to rest. The next morning, I took an hour-long bus trip to Repulse Bay to seek out the portal.

This round was slightly more challenging than the previous mission in Langkawi. I arrived on the beach and started searching for the portal - the portal is only visible with an awakened third eye. 

But instead of using third vision, my spirit guide told me to find a shaded spot for meditation. That puzzled me.

Deciding not to make a fuss about the change in plans, I sat down in a good spot on the beach and slid into a meditative state around 9:15am. I remembered this because there is a huge digital clock nearby.

The meditation helped me calm my mind and senses.When I came out of the short meditation, it was already 10:05am.

Still no sign of the portal. So, I stood up and dusted the sand off my butt and walked along the beach. In my mind I was thinking, "Am I in the right place...?"

The beach led to a nearby temple, close to a small jetty. I felt something was off but the only thing I heard from my guide was to walk to the jetty.

At the jetty, I was guided to look up. The moment I tilted my neck, I saw a shadow fly across my field of sight. I was certain that it had came out from somewhere (the portal). I tried looking around, but still nothing. 

The atmosphere around Repulse Bay was very different, the air density or electromagnetic field felt different in a way words couldn’t describe.. All I knew was the portal had just opened!

Since there was nothing near the jetty, I walked back to the beach to continue my search. This time, my guide told me to take off my shoes and walk barefooted - the sun was high in the sky and the sand on the beach.

I obeyed and walked for about 30 minutes along the beach. My feet was hurting from the rough and hot sand. When I stopped to rest, I was told to look up again.

Above my head, I saw the tear in space and time - a portal. The inside of the portal was shadowy and it looked like something or someone tore it from within. 

It was the first time I saw such a large portal, tearing itself open in the air. Stunned by the sight, my spirit guide had to tell me repeatedly, "Close the portal and seal it!"

I took a deep breath and sealed it with my guide's guidance.

To make sure that the portal was really sealed, I texted my team in Singapore to ask for confirmation that the job was done. It took a while for them to reply, but I got the confirmation that the portal had been sealed.

By the time all was confirmed, the time was 1:24pm.

During this mission I learned that, things will unfold at the right moment. Rushing the moment and feeling anxious will get me nowhere.

Mission Completed: November 2015.


Case File 012 - Life Path Vs Ego Path


Case File 011 - Psychic Vampire