Case File 041 - Is that a Spirit Guide? - Part 2


The Consultation Session

During the consultation session, Jasmine described to me what happened during the last workshop session.

While she was describing her meditation process, I managed to tap into her psyche and see what she saw in her meditation. Jasmine elaborated,

“I was guided into a cave where there was a pool of crystal clear water. And we were guided to submerge into the water and allow the energy of the water to cleanse our being. And out of nowhere, I saw a merman, he was gorgeous and he looked so serene and peaceful.”

“What happened when you met the guide?” I asked

Jasmine continued,

“During then, I thought he was from my star family and he was there to connect with me. I allowed him to get close to me, and while he moved closer, he grabbed me by my hair with a hand and thrust his other hand into my torso. I felt violated and I was so frightened that I struggled in my meditation to break free, but somehow I felt drained and powerless.”

I could see tears rolling down her cheeks , as she narrated her experience,

“I came out of the guided meditation, feeling violated and powerless, the feeling just isn’t right! For the past few days, I’ve been feeling constipated and I only get less than three hours of sleep every night…”

I passed some tissue paper  to Jasmine and calmed her down. I told her that I would scan her body to see what happened inside of her, and she nodded.

When I took a look with my third eye, I saw what the Spirit guide had placed a set of strange energetic locks placed around her sacral and root chakras, so that was the cause of Jasmine’s uncomfortable situation.

 I told Jasmine, “In order to treat this, I’ll guide you through meditation and help you to relieve the situation as much as possible.”

Jasmine went through the guided meditation with me, and during the process I saw that she had other issues that caused the merman spirit guide to seize a chance to disrupt her.

Family Karmic Debts

I told Jasmine that what was happening to her now was due to karmic debts that were accumulated by her ancestors. And now since she is the only child of her family, she would have to bear these debts. And if she was unable to clear the karmic debts, her daughters and son would have to continue clearing these karmic debts.

Jasmine was so shocked that she asked me if there were any way to keep her family karma from falling to her children. I told her that if she was  able to clear it in her lifetime, then the karmic debts would  end with her.

At the end of our session, I advised Jasmine that the best way for her to end these family karmic debts was to learn from her unresolved issues with her late husband, and most importantly her late father through deeper meditation.

Jasmine accepted my advice, and signed up for my meditation classes and energetic courses to assist her in her karmic debts clearance.

Status: Cased closed

Photo credit: Ralf Skirr @ralfskirr

Photo credit: Ralf Skirr @ralfskirr


Case File 042 - Manifest! But how much can you hold?


Case File 041 - Is that a Spirit Guide? - Part 1