Case File 042 - Manifest! But how much can you hold?

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“As human beings we expect almost everything to happen the way we want to, and when things don’t happen the way we want, we get disappointed, frustrated and eventually hopelessness kicks in.

Then the blaming game will start, we blame everyone and everything we could think of, and eventually we blame ourselves. Then we go through a cycle of blaming, and then we go deeper without realizing that we are doing so. Eventually life becomes miserable.

The cycle then continues…”

Recently, a student of the Universal Energy class realized that his past was the cause of his indigestion issues that he had had since his early twenties. The more he realizes his past mistakes, the more he turned inward into himself; the more he turned inwards into himself, the more depressed he became.

Eventually, I had to ‘kick and  pull him out of the little self-pity circle that he had been running for weeks. He finally came to his realization and back to the present moment. He manifested his own misery, by hanging on to expectations. He thought by understanding his past lives situations would fix his current life problems, not realizing that the crux is in the present.

Another case of Manifestations with No Expectation happened to another Universal Energy student; Kurt, who is a fund manager.

Recently, Kurt got selected among other candidates by his company to propose and manage a $500 million pension fund by his company. This young man was then in his early thirties. He mentioned to me that he was very anxious and happy that he was one of the selected few. Two other colleagues who got selected were his seniors, and more experienced than he was.

As days passed, Kurt felt that he was under immense pressure by his other colleagues, because they were congratulating him for being selected and that he had the opportunity to handle such a huge project. According to Kurt,

“I rather that they just leave me alone and let me do my work quietly and until I am given the project to manage. What is there to congratulate when I was not even awarded anything? It is just too stressful.”

The night before his presentation of his proposal, Kurt came to the meditation center to quiet down his mind as he said he needed some peace. After the meditation session, he asked me for some advice,

“How should I handle this issue?”

“Kurt, the Universe has sent you signs that you’ll get the project, but you’ve rejected it already. Now, you are asking how can you get it back again?”

“Yes! I want it but I don’t want the added pressure!”, Kurt answered.

“Look here Kurt! You are confusing the Universe all together. You want the project, yet you are rejecting the blessings from the Universe. Don’t you find that you are not making sense?”, I chided.

Suddenly, Kurt realized what he was saying, he asked again,

“So what can I do now?”

“Kurt, as we have come to this stage of the situation. Count every outcome as a blessing from the Universe.” I said to him.

Kurt looked at me with anticipation  for me to continue,

“The lesson is about Acceptance. If you manage to clear all your doubts, worries, fear and anxieties overnight, you will get the project. That’s the first outcome. But if you are unable to do so, you’ll be given another chance to learn the Acceptance lesson again later.”

Kurt looked at me and reflected upon my answer, and asked,

“You mean accepting all outcomes from this incident no matter what happens?”

“Yes! And don’t worry about it this time round, because the Universe will set another similar lesson of acceptance for you if you don’t get it this time. Just be prepared.” I replied.

I could sense that Kurt was relieved by the channelled message for him. He smiled and told me that he understood the message and he would work on his self-acceptance and confidence for the time being.

In the end, Kurt did not get the full project, but the management decided to let Kurt handle half of it. And he understands that it is the best outcome that he could have, and the Universe only gives him what he can handle now.

Change is the Only Constant

A lot of time, we only see that we are being tested and nudged out of our comfort zone, but we had never realized that by getting out of our comfort zone was the only way to grow into more of us. I know it can be very uncomfortable most of the time, I myself have had similar experiences and I too am resistant towards such challenges at times. But I always reminded myself and others that,

“Change is the only constant in this Universe, and by changing is how we grow both physically and spiritually. Growth is always uncomfortable, but when we resist growth, it is more painful in the end. So all we can do is to allow change to happen and accept growth that comes with the changes in life.”

Status: Closed; May 2018


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Case File 041 - Is that a Spirit Guide? - Part 2